Most common Types of Cancer – Breast Cancer

Breast cancer
Breast cancer (breast cancer) is cancer that begins in the breast tissue, both in the lining of the milk ducts (ductal carcinoma) or lobules (lobular carcinoma) that the supply of the milk ducts. There are rare cases where breast cancer starts in other areas of the breast. In the year 2010, more than 250,000 new cases of breast cancer among women in the U.S. alone are diagnosed and the risk of invasive breast cancer in a woman's life is 1 / 8

Signs and symptoms
Breast cancer is initially as a painless mass in the breast or armpit, and most often discovered by you or your partner can find the song or the doctor or noticed during a routine visit.
Count in the first case of cancer, the typical symptoms
1st Lump (mass) on the chest
2nd Lump under the armpit (lymph nodes)
3rd Secretion (clear or blood)
4th Retracted or inverted nipples
5th Scaly pitted the sensitivity of the nipple or breast persistence
6th Unusual pain or discomfort in the chest
7th And so on.

In the case of cancer, the cancer has spread outside of the body, symptoms are
1st Pain in the bones (secondary bone cancer)
2nd Respiratory distress (secondary tumors of the lung)
3rd Unintentional weight loss and anorexia (secondary tumors of the liver)
4th Headache, neurological pain or weakness (secondary tumors of the nervous system)
5th And so on.

A rare case of breast cancer (inflammatory breast cancer (CSI))
Inflammatory breast cancer can occur (CSI), an aggressive form of cancer among women of all ages, grows on the leaves, rather than invasion of surrounding skin lumps, which comes to breast cancer and anything can happen suddenly red-hot, and swelling in only about 1-6% of cases of breast cancer in the United States. Should be treated promptly. Symptoms include
1st Fast swelling (one cup size in just a few days), sometimes
2nd In connection with changes in the skin (pink, red or black areas)
3rd Nipple retraction
4th Persistent itching, skin hot to the touch
5th Initially resembles mastitis
6th Skin ulcers of the breast (in a later stage of the IBC)
7th And so on.

Risk Factors
1st Type
If you are a woman's risk of developing breast cancer 99% more, because the cells of the breast and most consistent exposure to hormones that influence the production of estrogen and progesterone.

2nd Aging
The proportion of breast cancer increases with age. The researchers found that about 1 / 8 types of invasive breast cancer in women, 2 of 3 women 55 years or longer.

3rd Heritage
About 5% of women with breast cancer are caused by genetic mutations inherited from both parents.

4th Family factors
The researchers found that if one of your relatives have developed breast or ovarian cancer, the risk of breast cancer is higher.

5th Pregnancy
The risk of developing breast cancer in women who are never pregnant.

6th Smoke
The researchers found that the risk of women who smoke cigarettes during adolescence were at high risk for breast cancer and women who are more than 35 years or more to smoke have an increased risk of 59% of all cases of breast cancer compared to Non smoking-

7th BRCA1 and BRCA2
The researchers found that the disease mutation to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor suppressor likelihood of developing breast cancer during their life.

8th Menstruation
Women who began menstruation early (before age 12) or went through menopause later in life (after 55 years) have a slightly increased risk for breast cancer through a long life exposed hormones estrogen and progesterone.

9th Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)
The change of the ATM gene provides instructions for the production of a protein in the control of growth and cell division and in the repair of DNA in cells by recognizing damaged or broken strands of DNA caused by radiation or toxic chemicals support. Inherit a mutated copy of the gene increases the risk of breast cancer.

10th P53 tumor protein 53 or
P53 is a tumor-suppressor protein in humans is encoded by the TP53 gene, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

11th Dense breast tissue
Women with dense breast tissue and glandular tissue and less fat have an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

12th Nodes in the chest, the former atypical changes were
A benign breast lump that showed atypical changes called atypical hyperplasia increases the risk of breast cancer later in life.

13th Overweight
Women who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of developing breast cancer than women who maintain a healthy weight BMI index to obtain, especially after menopause.

14th And so on.

Factors that reduce the risk of breast cancer
1st Nursing
The researchers found that women who develop the disease to their babies, slightly lower risk of breast cancer.

2nd Early on the first full-term pregnancy:
Women having their first full-term pregnancy have at an early age a little "less likely to breast cancer to develop in the future. The researchers found that women diagnosed with a first-term pregnancy before age 20 the risk of breast cancer about half of women whose first term pregnancy after age 30 years and is limited by the hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.

3rd Increasing the number of births
The risk for breast cancer decreases with the number of children born, the researchers found that women who birth to five or more children had half the risk of women who gave birth to the recipient and only limited positive breast cancer hormone.

4th Pre-eclampsia
Women, the conditions of high blood pressure and protein in urine was developed during pregnancy after 20 weeks of suffering a little to reduce the risk of breast cancer. , The researchers suspect that certain hormones and proteins associated with preeclampsia affect the risk of breast cancer.

5th The duration of breastfeeding:
The researchers found that breastfeeding for an extended period of more than a year) reduces the risk of developing breast cancer later in life, both hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and hormone-receptor negative.

6th Drink more coffee
In a new study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research, was able to women, the five cups of coffee per day or more to drink, reducing the risk of some types of breast cancer. (How many women without the development of stress to do)

7th And so on.

1st Clinical breast exam (CBE)
The purpose of clinical breast examination (CBE) is the detection of breast abnormalities or evaluate patient reports of symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage for a more effective treatment. In most cases, cancer caught early can be cured completely. United States, the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women aged 20-39 should be a CBE every three years and women aged 40 to EPC have.

2nd Mammograms
In the case of the above symptoms, the first test, to recognize that the prescribing physician and a mammogram to identify abnormalities of the breast tissue and other signs of cancer. Mammography can identify 85-90 percent of all abnormalities, including breast cancer, cysts, fibroadenomas, tumors, etc., even before a node is felt.

3rd Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical test that the doctors, the conditions of the chest of a patient diagnosed with the use of strong magnetic fields helps to radio-frequency pulses to create detailed images of soft tissues and structures in the chest. It shows several details about the status of the chest of many that can not be achieved with mammography, ultrasound, etc.

4th Elastography
Elastography, a new technology for imaging of breast tissue is a noninvasive method to detect and classify cancer stage. In a comparative study with the measurement of ultrasound elastography of the breast, the researchers found that breast elastography is very effective in distinguishing between benign and malignant breast tumors.

5th Lavender Ductal (Breast Pap Test)
Duct Cleaning also known as the Pap test for breast cancer, is a test liquids in more than CBE and mammography screening for breast cancer in a drawing with the cells of the liquid containing the channels used in the chest with a small catheter inserted into the nipple .

6th Breast Biopsy
In a biopsy is a very small sample of tissue removed and examined microscopically for the presence of cancer cells, cut with a medical device (aspiration cytology (FNAC), core needle biopsy (CNB) and a stereotactic biopsy) or by surgery.

7th And so on.

Factors that influence treatment options
A. Stages of breast cancer
Stages of breast cancer is classified according
1st Tumor size
2nd Invasive or non-
3rd If the cancer spread to lymph nodes
4th if the cancer has spread to other parts or organs of the body.
There are four stages of breast cancer in the TNM classification (where T stands for tumor size, N refers to lymph nodes, where M is non-invasive)
# T:
tumor size was divided into four classes: T-1 is between 0-2 cm, and T-02 to February 5, T-3 is> 5 cm and T-4 is a large tumor size increases in the chest wall or skin , and inflammatory breast cancer.
# N: No enlarged lymph nodes: N-0, some swollen lymph nodes, but negative (not cancerous), N-1a, nodes swollen lymph node positive (cancer) N-1b, very swollen and aggregated N -2, swollen and very close the clavicle: N-3.
# M: If there are cancer cells: M-0, found tumor cells: M-1.

a. Step 1
Clear T-1 of the tumor and the lymph nodes, with no sign of spread (M-0), or T-1 N-0M-0.
b. Step 2

Phase 2 is the combination of the combination of T-1 T-2, tumor or T-3, N-0. NN-1a and 1b, but does not spread (M-0)
C. Step 3

Phase 3 is the combination of all T-or N, but not widespread (M-0)
d. Step 4

Phase 4 is the combination of T, N-1a, 1b-N, N-2, N-3 and M-1

B. HER 2-and hormone receptor sites (epidermal growth factor receptor 2)
1st The hormone-receptor
A hormone receptor is a receptor protein on the surface of a cell with the function of a particular hormone to bind them. Estrogen receptors are hormone receptors that bind estrogen and progesterone, are the same cells.
State tests of estrogen and progesterone receptor
These are tests to determine whether the tumor growth by hormones estrogen and / or progesterone is influenced, with a sample of tissue from breast cancer on biopsy.
a. hormone-sensitive cancer grows more slowly
b. Reactions to the treatment and elimination of hormones
C. If both tests are negative (ER-PGR), suppression of hormonal treatments are not necessary (tuomor not driven by hormones). Further studies are needed to determine the best options.
0 # ER-PGR-0 is not found the estrogen receptor and progesterone
# He-1 +, 2 + PgR found small amount of estrogen and progesterone receptors after
# Found ER-2 +, 2 + PGR-average number of estrogen receptors and progesterone after
# According to RE-3 found +, 3 + PGR a large number of estrogen and progesterone.

2nd The detection of HER2 (epidermal growth factor 2)
About 30% of all cases of breast cancer by overexpression of the HER2 protein, which causes or produces. google_ad_channel = "7940249670", AB_unit_channel AB_cat_channel + +; google_language "is" =; google_ad_region = 'test'; If the cancer is not one of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the motivation to my doctor for the treatment of HER2 testing. HER2 is a gene with a reporting function for the growth and differentiation of cells. and normal breast tissue has only two copies of the HER2 gene.
A test for HER-2 positive may be treated with gene amplification and the use of other drugs, Herceptin in combination with other chemotherapy drugs, and cancer is not caused by the HER2 gene.
a. IHC tests
IHC is the most widely used test by the doctor ordered to determine the number of HER2 receptors on the surface taken out of tumor cells by a special staining in the breast tissue in fresh and frozen biopsy.
* 1-HER2 or HER2-0, + as HER2-negative
* HER2-2 + or HER2-3 + is positive and HER2.

b. FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization assay)
If we see the results of the IHC tests can not compensate HER2 positive or negative, fish will be needed. Fish is the most accurate way to determine whether the cells have extra copies of the HER2 gene, found in the HER2 gene in breast cancer tissue during the biopsy revitalization considered. HER2-positive or negative)

The main types of invasive breast cancer and non-invasive
1st Invasive breast cancer
Invasive growth of breast cancer by changing the DNA of breast cells, and both have a tendency to have spread to lymph nodes after a distant parts of the body, or already do. Most invasive breast cancer.
Common types of invasive breast cancer are:
a. Infiltration / invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)
This is the most common form of breast cancer accounts for about three-quarters of all breast cancer cases occur in the milk ducts, and was a cancer of the breast tissue around the breast includingInflammatory (IBC), carcinoma extended medullary, metaplastic breast cancer, a disease of the nipple Paget's disease, tubular carcinoma , etc.

b.Infiltrating lobular carcinoma / invasive (CDI)
Lobular breast cancer is another common type of invasive breast cancer, born in the lobules or glands, which went through the wall of the flap and began to penetrate the breast tissue. Lobular carcinoma accounts for about ten percent of breast cancers.

2nd Invasive breast cancer
Invasive breast cancer is also called carcinoma in situ, including breast cancer cells remain in the milk ducts or lobules of the breast.
a. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Ductal carcinoma in situ is the most common type of invasive breast cancer because they tend not about the milk ducts in the breast and surrounding tissue treated differently than other types of invasive cancer. Ductal carcinoma in situ is not fatal, but the risk of developing invasive breast cancer increases for the future of the patient's life.

b. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
Lobular carcinoma in situ, is a different type of invasive breast cancer in the growth of abnormal cells in the lobules of the breast was born, but has not spread to surrounding breast tissue. The researchers found that 25 percent of patients with LCIS will develop breast cancer in the future.

Depending on the diagnosis of breast cancer classified as stage and grade of your oncologists and radiologists, and it is proposed, or the treatment accordingly.

Phytoestrogens and breast cancer
As of a dispute of phytoestrogens protects against breast cancer, or induce, we want to read this research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2OO4

Prevention and treatment after
A. With food
1st Foods rich in beta-carotene
All vegetables contain orange, yellow, large amounts of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which can be stored in the liver. The researchers found that eating foods rich in beta-carotene reduces the risk of breast cancer.

2nd Foods with high amounts of indole-3-carbinol
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beets, Brussels sprouts, etc. contains large amounts of indole-3-carbinol, which inhibits breast cancer promoting estrogens such as estradiol and 16-hydroxy-16-hydroxy-estrone.

3rd Nuts and seeds
Most of the seeds, but contain high amounts of linoleic acid and to prevent the risk of breast cancer in some studies.

4th Foods are rich in lycopene
Lycopene is a carotenoid and red carotenoids, vitamin A, but not the activity and phytochemical pigment in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables such as carrots, red, watermelon and papaya found. The researchers found that lycopene prevents cancer cells. Eating cooked tomatoes reduces the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

5th Foods high in resveratrol
Do not drink more than 150 mg of red wine or eat red grapes can reduce the risk of breast cancer because of the large amounts of resveratrol to reduce. The researchers found that resveratrol has the ability of estrogen to the process that leads to cancer by blocking the formation of DNA to avoid diversion of estrogen.

6th Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids
Cold water fish like salmon, tuna, etc., nuts and seeds such as walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. The researchers found that omega-3 fatty acids not only fight against breast cancer, but also to prevent the spread of breast cancer in other organs or the topic.

7th Foods rich in anthocyanins
Cherries are rich in anthocyanins. Some studies have found that cherries to inhibit colon cancer and breast cancer cells.

8th Foods with the number of limonoids
The researchers found that the rind and white membrane from oranges, lemons, tangerines, contains large amounts of limonoids has a chemical compound has been shown to prevent breast cancer in a test tube. Eat whole fruit oranges and tangerines.

9th Eat whole grains
Study showed that women who take a portion of cereal eaten daily that are rich in wheat bran, the risk of breast cancer, reduce, increase added to the intake of high amounts of vitamins and minerals, and artificial ingredients, by reducing the refining estrogen promotes grain.

10th Avoid saturated fats and trans fats
Rich in saturated and trans fatty acids increase the rate of production of estrogen harm than the risk of breast cancer.

11th Polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)
Green tea contains large amounts of EGCG, a compound that is known to inhibit breast cancer cells. (-) A new study, the molecular mechanisms by which enlightened-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound found in green tea has anti-cancer cells resistant to tamoxifen, the breast cancer.

12th Best olive oil instead of high-temperature
Oil turns into trans fat at high temperatures increase the risk of breast cancer earlier.

13th Diallyl trisulfide
Garlic and onions contain diallyl trisulfide sunstance that suppress cell invasion and metastasis of breast cancer can.

14th Isoflavinoids
Soy isoflavones can block the estrogen caontains much to the cancer cells more sensitive to estrogen to stimulate estrogen receptors powerful occupying power in breast cancer cells.

15th Lignan
Aka mammalian lignans flaxseed lignan is a chemical similarity to natural estrogens, 17 beta-oestradiol, the weak estrogenic properties or anti-estrogen to inhibit breast cancer cells.

16th Etc.. Please read 100 + healthy food category

B. With Antioxidants
Antioxidants reduce the risk of tissue damage and oxidative DNA mutation of cells that cause cancer and stop a recurrence of breast cancer or sweep before they can cause damage to healthy cells.
You can add more details on the link above antioxidants, free radicals, to read cancer

1st Lycopene
Lycopene in cooked tomatoes rich as powerful antioxidants to neutralize free radicals at the expense of oxygen before they can damage cellular structures of breast cancer and others.

2nd Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays an important role as an antioxidant, which prevent free radicals, that they turn into cancer cells. including breast tissue, but vitamin A had mixed results in the treatment of cancer by W. Byers, Ph.D., professor of oncology and cell biology at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown, such as vitamin A lead that can make some breast cancer cells, the blood vessels , brings the fascinating idea that treatment with these drugs can stimulate tumor growth ,…"

3rd Vitamin C
As an antioxidant and water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C can be easily transported in the blood and in most of the body are present. With the restoration of vitamin E, vitamin A and training to fight against free radicals and inhibits the oxidation of the waste from any cause.

4 Vitamin E
It is also important, muscle weakness, protect, repair tissue damage, reduces blood pressure and blood clotting in the induction of wound healing, etc., but it is also a powerful antioxidant, moving into the medium to prevent lipid peroxidation fat, reducing the risk of chain reactions that decrease before it starts.

5th Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 improves energy production by promoting the process of ATP production after serving fuel cell and acts as an antioxidant and free radicals during the process to prevent increasing the risk of breast and other cancers.

g. Etc..

C. With Herbs
1st Kelada Tikus
Kelada Tikus tuber also known as rodents, a genus of the Araceae family native Typhonium Eeast Asia known. The herb has been used in traditional herbal medicine
Medicine in the treatment of cancer, including leukemia. Researcher Lai Choo shown Sheen Science Research Center in Malaysia that is phytol Kelada properties Tikus suppressed apoptosis via activation of PPARy to induce cancer cells to die by suicide (Apaptosis).

2nd Eruca sativa
Eruca sativa is also known as herba rocket Eruca genus belongs to the family Brassicaceae, native to Europe and western Asia and is a type of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Study showed that Eruca sativa promotes apoptosis, inhibits the progression of cell cycle and inhibits angiogenesis of human breast cancer cells.

3rd Anethum graveolens (Dill) Seed
Anethum graveolens is also known as dill, Anethum sex belongs to the family Apiaceae. Monoterpenes is the content of essential oil active secretion of glutathione S-transferase, a neutralizing anti-carcinogenic and carcinogenic.

4th Trifolium pratense
Trifolium pratense Red clover is better known, belongs to the genus Trifolium, familyFabaceae native to Europe, western Asia and northwest Africa. The researchers found that genistein inhibits the growth of cancer cells, promotes apoptosis

5th Actaea racemosa
Actaea racemosa and black cohosh, Actaea one type is known, belongs to the family Ranunculaceae, native to eastern North America. The researchers found that black cohosh may be cell growth, Rebbeck and colleagues to block. Grass contaons many antioxidants and has shown to have anti-estrogen. Black cohosh may lower the risk of breast cancer by more than 50 percent to reduce, suggested by an epidemiological study in the United States.

6th Punica granatum essential oils
Punica granatum as pomegranate, Punica type is known, belongs to the family Lythraceae, originally a native of the Iranian Plateau and the Himalayas in northern Pakistan and northern India. Researcher at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, noted that the essential oil triggers apoptosis of the grenade, a self-destruct mechanism in breast cancer cells.

7th And so on.

D. Chinese Herbs
1st Ban Zhi Lian
Ban Zhi Lian Scutellaria also known as. The grass and the bitter cold has in traditional Chinese medicine used as a diuretic and to treat tumors and cancer, as it removes heat, expels toxins, eliminates stagnation, stops bleeding and helps reduce pain, improve function of lungs, liver, spleen, stomach and large intestine channels. In vitro, the extract of the essential oil of herbs 200mg/ml the effect of inhibiting tumor tissue of the rectum or colon.
Caused in experimental animals and cells from breast cancer, BZL101 apoptosis or cell death, the researchers found.

2nd Qing Hao
Qing Hao is also known as a worm. The grass and the bitter cold has in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for malaria and trealupus, schistosomiasis used and distributed cold and moisture, wind and expulsion of pain relief, improved kidney function duct, liver and gall bladder.
The researchers found that calcium ions Qing Hao white blood cells of leukemia is increased, thereby apoptosis, a self-destruction of cancer cells. The University of Washington study showed that Qing Hao selectively kill various tumor cell lines in vitro.

3rd Huang Lian
Huang Lian is also known as Figwortflower. The grass and the bitter cold has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for digestive disorders, diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases, diarrhea caused by bacterial infections, high fever, agitation and insomnia, etc., caused because the heat, humidity, drying and spread toxins emissions from fires, improving the functions of the heart, intestines, liver, stomach, and canals.
Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) found that Huang Lian extract was shown to induce apoptosis and regulate cell growth, beta-interferon and tumor necrosis factor-alpha genes in cancer cells stop breast.

4th Yun Zhi
Yun Zhi mushroom is also known as Turkey Tail. Sweet Grass, soft and cold in traditional Chinese medicine as an antibiotic, anti-virus and anti-tumor and treatment of hepatitis B, cancer of the digestive organs, respiratory system and throat, used, and remove heat and dampness and transform Phlegm eliminate toxins to optimize the functions of liver, spleen, lung channels.
The researchers found that Yun Zhi significantly improved survival and life expectancy of the stomach, esophagus, breast, colon and lung cancer.

5th Bai Hua She She Cao
Bai Hua She She Cao is also known as Hedyotis diffusion, the bitter herbs, sweet and cold in TCM as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-virus and drugs for the treatment of used known snake bites, and improves the immune system because it clarifies the heat, moisture, drainage, toxins and distributes solved by improving the functions of the liver abscesses, stomach, large intestine channels.
Sanjiv Kumar Yadav, Shao Chin Lee (Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore showed research results indicate that the ethanol extract of Bai Hua She She Cao actually remembers the apoptosis of cancer cells, possibly through activation of caspase-mediated explosion.

f. Etc..

A. Types of treatment

Most invasive cancers are treated with a combination of both types of treatment, after
1st Surgery
Most patients with breast cancer have surgery to remove breast cancer, invasive and noninvasive. While non-invasive cancer, you need no further treatment, the patients with invasive carcinoma, and to see some custom nodes under a microscope by a pathologist, whether it contains cancer cells to be examined.
1.1. Breast-conserving surgery
The surgery is only the breast cancer cells, but the other healthy cells in the breast reserves. It only works well for patients with small tumors.
a. Lumpectomy:
The operation on breast cancer cells and the surrounding breast tissue removed.
b. Partial mastectomy
Usually requires surgical lumpectomy two incisions. To remove a section on breast cancer cells and surrounding tissue, the other is to remove the lymph node tissue for analysis.
1st 2nd Mastectomy
a. Total mastectomy
Has the complete removal of breast cancer and some lymph node tissue is determined at the time of the transaction.
b. Modified radical mastectomy: Surgery, not just the whole breast cancer that has most lymph nodes under the arm, the lining of the chest muscles, but sometimes some of the muscles of the chest wall, such as removing the types of operations may counties are in patients with advanced breast cancer.
C. Radical mastectomy
With the removal of the breast that has cancer, a radical mastectomy removes the muscles of the chest wall under the breast and all lymph nodes under the arm.

1.3. Side Effects
a. pain, tenderness and pain at the incision site.
b. Nerve damage
C. Lymphedema
d. change in weight
e. Keep the skin
f. Poor healing, bleeding or
g. reaction to anesthesia

2nd Radiotherapy
2.1 Use of high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation kills cancer cells, radiation and prevent the growth of breast or regrowth. Depending on the stage or the degree of breast cancer patients, there are two types of radiation.
a. External radiation
Use to direct a machine outside the body, high-energy X-rays or other radiation to cancer.
b. Internal radiation
Internal radiation
By inserting radioactive material directly into the tumor or in the vicinity of a medical device to kill cancer cells in the vicinity.

2.2 The side effects
a. Fatigue
b. Chest pain
C. Cardiac problems
d. breathlessness
e. discoloration of the skin or pink.
f. Etc..

3rd Chemotherapy
3.1. Chemotherapy is most commonly used to treat patients with breast cancer in advanced stages or degrees, and that has spread to other parts of the body through the use of drugs taken orally or by injection into a vein or distributed muscle of the patient to stop the growth or kill cancer cells.
3.2. Side Effects
a. nausea
b. Vomit
C. Hair loss
d. Fatigue
e. Anemia
f. sores in the mouth changes in taste and smell
g. Infection
h. Etc..

4th Hormone
4.1. If breast cancer is due to hormonal effects associated with hormone therapy is more effective than blocking their action and stops cancer cells. Tamoxifen is often suppressed in patients with early stage breast cancer to estrogen production during a period of 5 years.

4.2. Side Effects
a. headache
b. Nausea
C. Chest pain
d. constipation or diarrhea, nausea
e. loss or decreased appetite
f. Chest
g. Insomnia
h. Etc..

5th Biological Therapy
a. The improvement of the immune and endocrine systems of the body to kill cancer cells while sparing normal cells in the use of antibodies to attack cancer cells or block their activity or disturbance of the hormonal or chemical pathways of cancer with some small molecule drug compounds.
b. Side Effects
b.1. Allergic reactions
b. 2nd Shortness of breath, swelling,
b. 3rd Nausea,
B.4. Fever, chills, and
b. 5th Dizziness and fatigue
B.6. And so on.

6th The goal of treatment
6.1. Destination therapy is a treatment for breast cancer are caused by specific cells to kill them without harming normal cells.
Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is a drug that caused the effective treatment of breast cancer through the growth factor protein HER2, lapatinib prevented, while the protein HER2, and the effects of other proteins in tumor cells.

6.2. Side Effects
a. Difficulty breathing
b. The swelling of the legs
C. Exhaustion
d. weak
e. Nausea
f. Vomiting
g. Coughing
h. diarrhea
i. Headache
j. And so on.

The main goal of any treatment is to remove all tumors and primary tumor can not, but leave the chest as still as possible and prevent the recurrence of cancerous tumors.

Male breast cancer
Although rare, may occur about 1% of patients with breast cancer are men. It is more common in older people but can occur at any age. The symptoms are similar to breast cancer in women. So if you have any symptoms typical of the chest notice, immediately consult your doctor, because early diagnosis has a good chance of being cured. Treatments are similar to the above, depending on variety and stage of cancer. (We'll get to a section of male breast cancer down and back).

Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction after mastectomy in patients with breast cancer are always discussed prior to surgery. Although breast reconstruction is not the return of the natural breast, but most women are intelligent. There are many options for breast reconstruction and general anesthesia is necessary in all phases. No matter what type of breast reconstruction you choose. Surgeon before the mastectomy, breast reconstruction and breast can be removed to provide all the information, made sure to understand, discuss and ask before entering the operating room.
1st Factory
1.1. If you opt for breast reconstruction with implants after surgery, you may be after the implementation in the field of surgery healed completely recommended. In this treatment, the surgeon will remove just be the skin of the breast in a mastectomy in a position, the shutters skin for breast reconstruction and an expander in the vicinity is a bag made of silicone, which slowly fills up the place right size before the system permanently.
This type of breast reconstruction is done in stages and general anesthesia is required.
1.2. Side Effects
a. Dispersion
b. Scar may be permanent
C. Amendment
d. infection
e. Uneven breasts
f. Etc..

2nd Natural tissue breast reconstruction
If you're a natural tissue breast reconstruction after surgery and then
2.1. Abdominal wall musculature Trectus
Cut with the "fat of the skin and muscles in the abdomen from left to right, the tunnel tissue under the skin of her abdomen to the chest with blood vessels and the blood vessels in the arm and because of the size and shape correspond to the other breast.

2.2 The latissimus dorsi flap

With the "fat of the skin and muscles of the upper back of the chest was a tunnel of this tissue under the skin of the breast are removed, the blood vessels in the area where the holding tissue was then taken that the size and shape match the other breast.

2.3. Side Effects
a. loss of sensitivity
b. Scar
C. Uneven breast size
d. Etc..

Breast reconstruction is done in several stages, under general anesthesia.
For other types of cancer and health articles, please visit http://medicaladvisorjournals.blogspot. com /

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Kyle J. Norton – I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and is working as financial consultant since 1990. Health researcher and lead author. Master in Mathematics and a Bachelor of world literature and literary criticism

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Mr. Singh said that the connection between ovarian and breast cancer. (01:17)

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Recent advances in the treatment of breast cancer

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The most common types of cancer – Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP)

Cancer of unknown primary tumor (CUP) will be found as a condition in which cancer cells in the body defined, but the main place where the cancer can not be started in the first place to be determined.

J. Kyle NortonLive Healthl 5th July 2011, most types of cancer – cancer of the uterine / endometrial cancer

Endometrium is the lining of the uterus of mammals, and very sensitive to hormonal changes, especially with the menstrual cycle. Endometrial cancer is a tumor of late adulthood as a state, are increasingly in the endometrial cells lining the uterus out of control and the development of cancer as a result of which is alternately defined cellular DNA. And "the fourth most common cancer among women in general after breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

J. Kyle NortonLive> Women's Health Healthl 5th July 2011, the most common types of cancer – cervical cancer

The cervix is ​​the lower portion of the uterus opens into the upper vagina. The cervix is ​​a transitional zone of the lining of the vagina (epithelium), change the type of the uterus (epithelium) through the transition zone (columns squamous cell carcinoma) to accommodate the developing fetus. Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix or the cervical region by the abnormal growth of cells with DNA causes from mixed cells.

J. Kyle NortonLive> Women's Health Healthl 5th July 2011, most types of cancer: cancer of the esophagus / esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer tend to spread if left untreated, and part of the lining of the esophagus, and then penetrate the lining of the esophagus and spread to lymph nodes around the esophagus, stomach and lower chest and remote areas of the body

J. Kyle Healthl norton live 5 July 2011 breast cancer and antioxidants

After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States. The incidence of breast cancer in recent years declined, due to public awareness and research funding. A native of breast tissue in the lining of the milk ducts or lobes that provide the milk ducts.

J. Kyle NortonLive> Women's Health 5th July 2011 Healthl breasts too big – if my heart is a big problem

Knowing the difficulties and the dilemma of women with breasts too large. Discover how you can reduce your breasts are too large and eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience of carrying large heavy breasts.

From: Gerry Restriveral> Women's Health Healthl 17th August 2011 surgery to reduce breast – What You Need to Know

Surgery to reduce breast size is not a simple solution to the problem and the need to think that it is difficult to assess the risks and benefits. Do you know what you're getting yourself and your options.

From: Gerry Restriveral> Women's Health 17th August 2011 the success or failure of fertility Healthl

What makes the success in mind – the ability to get pregnant? The birth of a biological child? What if this happened? Your heart will be satisfied? No, if the mind will reach a goal satisfaction are maintained. One participant re-recorded last retreat: "My children do not treat my infertility. "

From: Jessie Johnsonl> Women's Health Healthl 17th August 2011 What is the cause of pelvic inflammatory disease?

PID is a major cause of infertility in women and increase the number of cases per year. So how can we, as women, stop the steady increase of PGD and begins to decline, finally, the number of cases per year?

From: Melissa Painel> Women's Health 17th August 2011 Healthl some tips on effective skin care during pregnancy

Pregnancy Skin Care is the key to your next 40 weeks so pleasant and healthy. If you get pregnant more about skin care during pregnancy diva.

By: SEO content Pardhi Developerl> Women's Health Healthl 17th August 2011 Antioxidants and Kidney Diseases

Renal failure is a condition defined by the nephron damage. Over time this damage reduces the ability of the kidneys to eliminate waste, leading to kidney failure or kidney failure.

J. Kyle NortonLive Health> Wellnessl 6th July 2011 antioxidant and immune system

Immune system is a system of biological structures and processes in an organism that protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor cells that remain, including the inappropriate cell growth of cancer cells healthy.

J. Kyle NortonLive Health> Wellnessl 6th July 2011, most types of cancer – a myeloid leukemia – acute myeloid leukemia (AML) –

Leukemia is defined as a condition produces an abnormal growth of white blood cells from bone marrow and / or the lymphatic system. According to the granulocytes or lymphocytes, myeloid leukemia or malignant lymphocytic leukemia is classified. The bone marrow is the soft tissue in the central cavities of large bones removed. including the spine, pelvis, forearm, leg. etc.

J. Kyle NortonLive Health> Cancerlit 6th July 2011, most types of cancer – larynx (voice box) cancer

The larynx is also known as Voice-mail, known between the pharynx and trachea. His job is to ensure that the airway is open and if you breathe and speak, and closes when you make sure that food reaches the trachea to swallow.

J. Kyle NortonLive Health> Cancerlit 6th July 2011, most types of cancer – Kaposi's sarcoma

Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer of the connective tissue, caused by human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8), and is often associated with AIDS, leading to a shock red or purple tissue overgrowth in the skin, the lining of the mouth, face , trunk or limbs in a short rhyme.

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