Breast Surgeries: the most sought after cosmetic procedures by women all over the world

Breast surgery is one of the most common operations in the world of cosmetics and their number increases continuously carried out. Women find this procedure to obtain a more appropriate body shape and help your confidence and the self-esteem.

The most common procedures are often chosen by women, breast enlargement, breast reduction and breast lift procedures. Of the three, the breast enlargement is probably the most preferred.

There are a number of reasons why a woman is breast augmentation. A larger size is more attractive and appealing look at the clothes you want to use. Many women try to balance a number of tortuous, with more volume, many women are satisfied with their size or, if you want to restore them after the loss of volume due to previous surgery or during lactation.

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that more than 311 957 American women chose breast augmentation procedures in 2009. This is one of the most Continue reading

Trend: Rise in Number of Breast Augmentation Surgeries Performed

Breast augmentation is currently the most sought after cosmetic surgery procedures for women. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons released almost 384 000 breast augmentation surgeries were performed in the United States last year. What are the causes? Learn more about the growing trend of breast enlargement.

The increase in breast augmentation: Safety

The increase in the number of breast augmentation is parallel to the general trend in cosmetic surgery. He promoted the safest medical procedures performed, less invasive and more effective. The recovery is less painful and less time below.

Both types of animals, plants are approved by the FDA, which is achieved through extensive medical examinations. This is a very different environment from 1992. The FDA banned silicone implants in 1992 for a possible association with connective tissue diseases and cancer. Proposed with the inability to confirm the health risks of silicone Continue reading

Freaky Breasts That Can Result From Augmentation Surgeries

As more women have small breasts average size is only natural that women are more interested in that large breasts are soft and happy. The popularity of Barbie as many people yearn for life incredibly small and large breasts. Due to this increasing demand for better training and later increase in breast augmentation surgery.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of non-surgical cosmetic surgery and approximately $ 11.7 million was in 2007. And the number one cosmetic surgery procedure among women is breast augmentation. However, the high proportion of women who undergo a surgery to increase her bust to a significant number decided by these disasters with breast implants. Below are some of the most common problems associated with cosmetic breast procedures.


This condition, medically known as symmastia (or synmastia) occurs when two systems meet or known to converge toward the center. Therefore, a Continue reading

Freaky Breasts That Can Result From Augmentation Surgeries

As more women have small breasts average size is only natural that women are more interested in that large breasts are soft and happy. The popularity of Barbie as many people yearn for life incredibly small and large breasts. Due to this increasing demand for better training and later increase in breast augmentation surgery.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of non-surgical cosmetic surgery and approximately $ 11.7 million was in 2007. And the number one cosmetic surgery procedure among women is breast augmentation. However, the high proportion of women who undergo a surgery to increase her bust to a significant number decided by these disasters with breast implants. Below are some of the most common problems associated with cosmetic breast procedures.


This condition, medically known as symmastia (or synmastia) occurs when two systems meet or known to converge toward the center. Therefore, a Continue reading